Costs vs. Value: The Importance of BMP Lifecycle Costs
Join AbTech’s stormwater products team to better understand life cycle costs of stormwater treatment practices. You'll be given a detailed life-cycle cost analysis of AbTech's catch basin filter insert alternatives (Ultra Urban® Filters). A value proposition will be demonstrated between different model types, evaluating life-cycle costing alternatives.
In this webinar, AbTech team members will present:
- Brief overview about AbTech Industries
- AbTech's Smart Sponge Filtration media platform and stormwater product portfolio
- Cost considerations for stormwater products that are often overlooked
- Several different installations and respective performance will be evaluated
A key learning object of this webinar is how to asses the true financial value of stormwater treatment assets to ensure they are aligned the projects’ goals.
Aired Date:
Webinar Slides:
David Scott and Anthony Reed
Stormwater Purification Experts