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The Evolution of Smart Sponge® Media
Laddie Fromelius, AbTech's Director of Business Development for Stormwater and David Scott, AbTech's Program Development Manager will cover the characteristics that make Smart Sponge media "smart" and how it evolved over the years to become what it is today – the leading stormwater purification technology. We will go over Smart Sponge media's history, future, and the limitless ways it can be applied to achieve your stormwater quality objectives today.
We will cover:
- Value and possibilities with Smart Sponge media
- History of Stormwater Purification
- History and development of Smart Sponge media
- Where Smart Sponge media is now
- Where it's going
Planning Your Next Stormwater Project With AbTech
Benny Lonchar, seasoned stormwater specialist, goes over AbTech's surface water solutions and how AbTech supports project owners and engineers in planning their next stormwater project. Attendees will discover how to integrate AbTech's advanced stormwater purification solutions for their next project, and what that process looks like from start to finish.
This webinar will include:
- AbTech’s Surface Water Solutions for TSS, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, nutrients, and bacteria
- How AbTech supports engineers and owners in planning for stormwater treatment on their project sites
Costs vs. Value: The Importance of BMP Lifecycle Costs
Join AbTech’s stormwater products team to better understand life cycle costs of stormwater treatment practices. You'll be given a detailed life-cycle cost analysis of AbTech's catch basin filter insert alternatives (Ultra Urban® Filters). A value proposition will be demonstrated between different model types, evaluating life-cycle costing alternatives.
In this webinar, AbTech team members will present:
- Brief overview about AbTech Industries
- AbTech's Smart Sponge Filtration media platform and stormwater product portfolio
- Cost considerations for stormwater products that are often overlooked
- Several different installations and respective performance will be evaluated
A key learning object of this webinar is how to asses the true financial value of stormwater treatment assets to ensure they are aligned the projects’ goals.
AbTech's Innovative BMP's for the Transportation Industry
Join our live webinar on with Todd Megronigle and learn about AbTech's innovative BMP's for the transportation industry.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Environmental Issues at Transportation Facilities
- Innovative technologies and products to address these issues
- Successful installation and project profiles of BMP's at transportation facilities
AbTech's Innovative Solutions for Bacteria Contamination
Learn about bacteria contamination and our innovative solution: Smart Sponge® Plus Media. In this webinar, we discuss bacteria contamination's sources, impacts, and AbTech's innovative solutions for the contaminant. We will review successful AbTech bacteria treatment projects + how AbTech can work with you to identify and deploy the right treatment solution.
David Scott - Product Development Manager and Shawn Lolling - Director of Engineering will cover:
- Cursory review of bacteria pollution in the US
- What is Smart Sponge Plus and how it works
- Solutions to bacteria contamination
- Project highlights
Benefits of Urban LID Upstream Treatment
Enjoy our collaborative live webinar with our guest — Joe Miskovich & Triton Stormwater Solutions. We will take a cursory look at urban LID with a focus on upstream treatment needs, solutions, and benefits. We will then discuss treatment in the urban environment best suited for 'store-and-infiltrate' practices.
Joe Miskovich, Inventor/Owner of Triton SWS, will provide an in-depth discussion about Triton's subsurface storage and infiltration system; while Todd Megronigle will discuss how AbTech's Smart Sponge technology and products ensure superior performance while minimizing maintenance needs over the lifetime of the system.
AbTech's Retrofit Process & Applications
Our Director of Engineering - Shawn Lolling and National Sales Manager - Benny Lonchar detail the benefits of retrofitting stormwater treatment applications.
In this webinar, you’ll earn learn about retrofit applications, their importance, and how they can be utilized to ensure your site is compliant with your local and national regulations.
We will cover:
- Technology
- Pollution challenges within the US
- Challenges of bringing a site into compliance
- Point source vs. non point source treatment options
- Retrofit applications and benefits
- AbTech’s retrofit solutions
- Retrofit Project highlights
Stormwater Purification Q&A
Get detailed answers to your questions in a live Q&A session with our Stormwater Purification expert, David Scott along with an appearance from our CEO & Founder, Glenn Rink. In this webinar, we will be answering your submitted questions and taking questions live. Our Stormwater Purification experts will be providing you with in-depth answers to your questions regarding topics such as: AbTech, products, technology, maintenance, and more.
AbTech's Innovative BMP: Ultra-Urban® Filter
Benny Lonchar goes over all you need to learn about AbTech’s innovative BMP: the Ultra-Urban® Filter. In this webinar, you will learn about what makes this product so innovative including its development, applications, maintenance benefits, and how its design has evolved to become an optimal long term and economical stormwater purification solution.
This webinar discusses:
- The UUF Product line
- Development of the UUF
- Applications and Project highlights
- Maintenance
- Benefits
AbTech's Innovative Smart Vault Solutions and Applications
Join Shawn Lolling and learn about our innovative Smart Vault's design & applications.
Find out how our patented Smart Sponge® media is applied in Smart Vaults for advanced filtration solutions, and learn about key projects that implemented these solutions.
In this webinar we will discuss:
- AbTech's innovative Smart Vault
- What makes the Smart Vault a distinctive solution
- Smart Sponge media applications
- Sizing and design of the Smart Vault
- Smart Vault project highlights
Innovative BMPs for The Transportation Industry
Join Todd Megronigle and learn about innovative BMP's for the transportation industry.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Environmental issues at transportation facilities
- Innovative technologies and products to address these issues
- Successful installation and project profiles of BMP's at transportation facilities
How To Meet Regulations and Maximize Your Stormwater Investment
David Scott and Anthony Reed detail the best methods to meet regulations while extending the life of your stormwater investment.
In this webinar you will learn:
• Why meeting regulations is important to the success of a project
• How AbTech's Smart Sponge® media and products can help you meet regulations
• How to extend the life of your stormwater investment
• How AbTech helps extend the life of your investment