Heavy Metals Removal Treatment

Smart Sponge HM technology uses renewable resource based metal nanocomposites extruded into an adsorptive sponge media. The media will bind with phosphorus and heavy metals resulting in removal rates as high as 98%. Many industrial plants have new tighter wastewater regulations being imposed. This can be observed with lower acceptable levels of phosphorus and heavy metals to which a plant can send to a POTW or to surface discharge under a NPDES permit.
Smart Sponge HM technology is an excellent phosphorus and metals polisher for added insurance to meet compliance. Phosphorus is one of the major nutrients contributing in the increased eutrophication of lakes and natural waters. Its presence causes many water quality problems including increased purification costs, decreased recreational and conservation value of impoundments, loss of livestock and the possible lethal effect of algal toxins on drinking water. In most municipal and industrial plants with biological wastewater treatment, supplemental phosphorus must be added to insure an adequate supply for bacterial growth. But nutrient enrichment of receiving waters is a major water quality issue in North America. The USEPA, states and provinces have or are adding phosphorus discharge limits to industrial discharge permits, sometimes at very low levels. Many plants already have limits for phosphorus and are struggling to achieve compliance–using aerated lagoons and activated sludge processes. Due to increased enforcement of selenium regulations and an increased understanding of health and environmental effects the need to be able to efficiently treat selenium has taken on an increased importance.