Hydrocarbon Oil
Oil-contaminated water causes numerous unwanted challenges for wildlife and local communities. The consequences of oil spills, stormwater runoff, and discharge from large equipment operations are wide and far reaching. For example, untreated Stormwater is a well-known leading cause for water pollution. Stormwater runs off solid surfaces and collects pollutants such as: oil, pesticides, sediments, bacteria, and other chemicals; then deposits them into our waterways.
To help prevent and mediate the consequences of oil-contaminated water, specifically in Stormwater and Industrial settings, AbTech Industries has created Smart Sponge® media. Smart Sponge technology is up to 99.99% effective and is available in booms, line skimmers, Smart Drums™, Vaults, End-of-Pipe, engineered vessels and custom processing units to help meet your water cleanup and treatment needs.

Why Smart Sponge Technology is Ideal in Oil + Gas Water Applications
Will not absorb water
Chemically selective towards hydrocarbons
Total Absorption
Absorbs up to 1.5 times its weight in hydrocarbons
High Porosity
Contaminant molecules diffuse and absorb into the voids until the matrix is saturated
Will not absorb water
Chemically selective towards hydrocarbons
Total Absorption
Absorbs up to 1.5 times its weight in hydrocarbons
High Porosity
Contaminant molecules diffuse and absorb into the voids until the matrix is saturated

Other Oil & Gas Technologies
Smart Sponge Plus
Removes Hydrocarbons
Targets Bacteria
Easy Disposal

Smart Sponge AC
Removes Hydrocarbons
Targets Soluble Organics
Easy Disposal
Smart Sponge HM
Removes Hydrocarbons
Targets Heavy Metals
Targets Orthophosphates
Easy Disposal

Smart Sponge BC
Removes Hydrocarbons
Targets Heavy Metals
Cultivates Nit-DeNit
Easy Disposal

Oil & Gas Products
Oil Sheen Removal + Oil Spill Cleanup
AbTech booms and skimmers will resolve your oil sheen or oil spill problems: these products remove or greatly reduce sheen, will not absorb water, and effectively transform pollutants into a stable solid waste generally approved for landfill disposal by the EPA because the trapped hydrocarbons typically do not leak or leach.
AbTech Smart Drum™ for Impoundments, Ponds and Above Ground Water Storage
The Smart Drum™ HAC (Hydrocarbon Absorption Canister) is ideally suited for free phase and emulsified hydrocarbon removal for industrial wastewater process streams, hazardous waste remediation, produced water and many other hydrocarbon removal applications. The Smart Drum™ is perfect for active prevention of oil sheen on above ground water storage used for frac flowback, produced water and industrial process streams.

AbTech Smart Vault™
The Smart Vault is a comprehensive and cost effective solution for treating stormwater runoff. The vault utilizes AbTech's patented Smart Sponge filtration media to remove contaminants and can be retrofitted into existing collection systems included in new construction or redevelopment projects.