Soak it up
The oil & gas industry requires clean water and AbTech has cost-effective products to help reach that goal.
AbTech Industries provides water management solutions for upstream, midstream and downstream industries in the oil & gas sector.
AbTech’s products and solutions have been deployed in shale basins, gas fields, platforms, refineries, chemical plants and compression facilities.
Oleophilic – Chemically selective towards hydrocarbons.
Hydrophobic – Will not absorb water.
High Porosity – Provides a very large surface area where contaminant molecules diffuse into the network and become absorbed into the voids until the matrix is saturated.
High Flow Rate – Due to its highly porous design, Smart Sponge can pass 80 gpm/ft3
Absorption vs. Adsorption – With absorption the contaminant is solidified within the structure, with adsorption the contaminant is attracted only to the surface of the structure and will leach.
Non-Leaching – Creates a permanent bond with the hydrocarbon and will not leach or leak. Smart Sponge® has completed TCLP testing finding “no detectable levels of leachable analitics.”
Total Absorption – Smart Sponge® will generally absorb 1 to 3 times its weight in hydrocarbons prior to replacement.
High BTU Value – BTU value and can be reused as fuel in waste-to-energy facilities or cement kilns. Base polymer is 18,000 BTU, 320 lbs would produce 1 megawatt of power which could power 140 homes for 1 hour.
Disposal and Re-use – Multiple waste disposal and resource recovery industries have accepted spent Smart Sponge® products for disposal and reuse:
Waste-To-Energy Power Generation – AbTech is a participant in the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Program Oilfield Steam Generation – burn spent Smart Sponge® to generate steam for heating fluid streams, powering water treatment plants, or enhanced oil recovery through steam injection
Cement Kilns - above average BTU values
Landfill Disposal - accepted at Subtitle D Landfills
Recycle – ability to melt down the used smart sponge for 90% recovery of used oil.
AbTech’s produced water treatment systems combine available technologies, innovative systems engineering, and AbTech’s proprietary Smart Sponge® de-oiling technology to remove oil and other contaminants from the flowback and produced water at oil & natural gas production sites. The pretreatment system employs a three-stage process for oil recovery, de-oiling, and TSS removal, offering natural gas producers a complete solution that works with and protects any downstream produced water treatment systems being employed in the field. Proven to remove up to 99.99% of hydrocarbons from produced and flowback water, AbTech’s Smart Sponge® media also has a high BTU value once saturated, and has the potential to be used as an energy source to fuel flowback and produced water treatment operations.
As a technology leader in water management for over 19 years, AbTech has the experience to assist with designing and deploying a water treatment solution to fit your needs. From source water to frac flowback to produced water to disposal, AbTech treats fluids at a very low cost per barrel while providing environmental benefits, improved lease operating economics and water recycling. AbTech’s solutions span water impoundments, water storage ponds, mobile treatment trailers, skid-mounted treatment units, and fixed facilities.
AbTech products are effective for use in gathering systems, compressor stations, gas treatment plants and pipeline facilities for handling hydrocarbon removal. Our Smart Sponge® technology is up to 99.99% effective and is available in booms, line skimmers, SmartDrums™, engineered vessels and custom processing units to meet your gas and NGL water processing needs. Our engineering staff is available to design treatment solutions to meet your specific needs.
AbTech has received numerous industry awards for innovative technologies and proven water treatment solutions for oil and gas production. As a technology leader in water management for over 16 years, AbTech has the experience to assist with designing and deploying a water treatment solution to fit your needs. From source water to flowback to produced water to disposal, we can treat your fluids at a very low cost per barrel while providing environmental benefits, improved lease operating economics and water recycling. AbTech treatment can be customized to your flow rates, padsite needs, fluid characteristics and target water quality. AbTech technologies are perfect for oilfield service company use in mobile and stationary water treatment units. Our solutions span water impoundments, water storage ponds, mobile treatment trailers, skid-mounted treatment units, and fixed facilities.
AbTech products are effective for use in gathering systems, compressor stations, gas treatment plants and pipeline facilities for handling hydrocarbon removal from effected and collected waters.
AbTech products and solutions can cure the ills of your wastewater streams in refineries and chemical plants, helping to protect downstream processes. AbTech can lock hydrocarbons in place, strip hydrocarbons from your fluids or treat your recovered water streams prior to discharge. Our engineering staff is available to configure products or custom tailor specific processing to meet your needs.
AbTech booms and skimmers will resolve your oil sheen or oil spill problems: these products remove or greatly reduce sheen, will not absorb water, and effectively transform pollutants into a stable solid waste generally approved for landfill disposal by the EPA because the trapped hydrocarbons typically do not leak or leach.
The Smart Drum™ HAC (Hydrocarbon Absorption Canister) is ideally suited for free phase and emulsified hydrocarbon removal for industrial wastewater process streams, hazardous waste remediation, produced water and many other hydrocarbon removal applications. The Smart Drum™ is perfect for active prevention of oil sheen on above ground water storage used for frac flowback, produced water and industrial process streams. Deploy the Smart Drum™ at your field location today to stay in compliance with water regulations in your state.