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Clean It Up

Green Technology for Stormwater Pollution

AbTech Industries strives to be at the forefront of the industry, constantly studying new and environmentally responsible solutions such as technologies for Low Impact Development (LID) engineered practices. AbTech Industries also has ongoing research and development teams working towards more efficient and cost-effective solutions for your water recycling needs.

Our stormwater focused site assessments can be done with a variety degrees of focus; project level to the watershed level. We recommend watershed planning because it addresses the all encompassing problem, giving a complete solution. Stormwater pollutants can be controlled or limited at the source and treatment can be designed to be the most effective, yet cost effective.


AbTech Industries  provides best in class stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) design. Our engineers provide innovative stormwater solutions and have direct access to cutting edge technology and research. Our goal is to deliver comprehensive and targeted solutions to specific pollutants and compliance/permit issues for your site, watershed, or jurisdiction. In addition to expert BMP design, AbTech Industries has professionals with experience in stormwater permitting regulations and compliance.


Water is a resource that we cannot afford to waste. Stormwater reuse and recycling is a cost-effective way to reduce demand on potable water supplies.  Reusing stormwater for irrigation and landscaping purposes reduces stormwater runoff and the associated non-point pollution, while turning stormwater into an asset.  The reuse of this valuable natural resource also helps to replenish groundwater supplies, leading to a cycle of water sustainability.   Drought stricken areas are the areas that need water recycling the most and AbTech Industries has partnered with an Australian distributor to bring relief to this effected area.


A total water management approach is needed around drilling, completion and production phases of oilfield development.  Different water treatment technologies and water transportation methods will be needed for mobile treatment, temporary units and fixed water plant options. Fresh water resources are strained and highly regulated in most US shale basins.  The situation is getting worse, not better.  Hence the focus on immediate deployment of economic eco-friendly water treatment approaches.  



  • Stormwater

  • Wastewater (Decentralized)

  • Combined Sewer Overflows

  • Water Reclamation & Reuse




  • Stormwater modeling and monitoring

  • Stormwater civil/environmental design

  • LID/Green Infrastructure BMP design

  • Flood control engineering

  • Master site planning

  • Public relations and related outreach services

  • Complete stormwater management planning

  • Total cost analysis/value proposition development

© 2023 AbTech Industries Inc

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