Water contaminated with bacteria can cause a variety of unwanted challenges for wildlife and local communities. The consequences of bacteria such as enterococcus, Escherichia coli and fecal coliform can be very harmful. To help prevent and mediate the consequences of bacteria contaminated water, AbTech Industries has created Smart Sponge Plus.
Smart Sponge Plus technology specifically targets bacteria, and is available in booms, line skimmers, Smart Drums™, Vaults, End-of-Pipe, engineered vessels and custom processing units to help meet your water cleanup and treatment needs

What makes Smart Sponge Plus Technology ideal in bacteria water applications:
Smart Sponge® Plus can be engineered using controlled test parameters (such as modifying flow rates and coliform bacteria concentration) to meet your
performance requirements
Smart Sponge® Plus is designed to assist water systems in meeting Total Maximum Daily Load Limits (TMDLs) for coliform bacteria
Smart Sponge® Plus can be placed into our Skimmers, Smart Paks, UUF’s, Smart Vaults or, End of Pipe units
End-of-Pipe Water Quality Unit
The End-of-Pipe Water Quality Unit (EOP WQU) combines the sediment treatment capabilities of a traditional Water Quality Unit (WQU) with AbTech's patented media for water quality improvement. The first step of stormwater treatment using the EOP WQU is to capture sediment that enters the stormwater system.
The integration of AbTech media allows for a secondary treatment step, where a reduction in hydrocarbons, phosphorus, heavy metals or bacteria occurs, depending upon the filter media applied.
Oil sheen/spill cleanup + bacteria removal
AbTech booms and skimmers will resolve your oil sheen or oil spill problems: these products remove or greatly reduce sheen, will not absorb water, and effectively transform pollutants into a stable solid waste generally approved for landfill disposal by the EPA because the trapped hydrocarbons typically do not leak or leach.